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East End Farm, Pavenham

The wildest and most secluded of our waters, around half a mile of river with no public access including shallow runs, deeper pools and numerous overhanging trees and rafts which create various interesting swims. Probably most notable is the Chub fishing – specimens to 6lb 11oz were officially recorded during the winter of 2021-2022. Many of the best swims are on the nearside bank so a stealthy approach can bring rewards. Trotting for Roach and Dace is excellent in the late summer and autumn, but due to the relatively pacy nature of the stretch they often migrate during the higher winter flows. Previously this was a noted Barbel area - despite the decline in Barbel numbers in the river generally, there are almost certainly one or two left here.

There is a 280-metre walk to the river across the field from the parking area (watch out for rabbit holes!) – please help us to maintain our good relationship with the landowners by complying with the parking and access requirements detailed on the map below.  

Stafford Bridge, Pavenham

Just under a mile of fishing immediately downstream of Stafford Bridge with varied characteristics, including faster water in the upstream sections and a meandering wooded section which gives way to slower and deeper water at the downstream end. All of the usual Great Ouse species are present – some good catches of large Chub were made in the 2021-2022 season, along with Roach, Dace, Perch and Pike. The walk from the parking area (see map) is a fairly leisurely 290 metres and bankside access is mostly straightforward.

Park Farm, Stevington

This stretch, upstream of Oakley Weir, is untypical of the upper Great Ouse – wide, deep and slow, it gives members the opportunity to vary their fishing somewhat. The deepest section in the middle of the stretch averages around 12ft at one rod-length, with slightly shallower water at the bottom and top ends. The depth of the water keeps the river relatively weed-free even in summer, and ensures that any peg can produce. The Roach fishing is excellent all season with double figure bags taken by both pleasure and match anglers. It is sometimes a challenge to get through the bleak but this can be achieved with the right tactics. The number of silver fish attracts predators – Perch over 3lbs and Pike to mid-doubles were caught in 2021-2022. There are also some nomadic Bream present which sporadically show up in catches.

Anglers are permitted to drive down the track and park by the boat club as per the map, but should be aware that this may be difficult in wet weather and the journey is undertaken at your own risk. An alternative would be to park at Oakley Bridge and walk upstream to the bottom of the stretch (620 metres flat terrain).

General Venue Location
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